Course Equivalencies

                                                                                                        Exchange Programs:

Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University 



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
Long from Storytelling 3 Major elective 3 Major elective
Global Current Affairs  3 Globalization, Communication & Media  3 CMST 427
21st Century Journalist 3 Intro to Photojournalism  3 JOUR 281
Creative Strategy  3 Advertising Media Strategies  3 STCM 401 
Content Creation  3 Integrated Communications 3 STCM 326
Marketing Communications Campaigns in Practice 3 Public Relations 3 STCM 330 
PR Events 3 Program Elective 3 Program elective
Human Trafficking & Criminality  3 Justice system electives 3 Justice system electives
Ethnographies of Crime & Policing  3 Justim system electives 3 Justice system electives
Intersectional Criminology  3 Justice system electives 3 Justice system electives 
Drugs, Crime & Society  3 Justice system electives 3 Justice system electives 
Crime & Criminal Justice in the 21st Century  3 Justice system electives 3 Justice system electives 
Technische Graz

Technische Graz



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as: 
Mat.157UF Discrete mathematics 3 Discrete mathematics 3 CSIT 170
Inf .08008UF Object-oriented Programming 1 3 Software engineering 11 3 CSIT 415
INF.06124UF Software Development Process 3 Software engineer 1 3 CSIT 315
Computer Organization and Networks 3 Computer networks 3 CSIT 340
Ind.02004uf Statistics for Computer Science 3 The development of statistics 3 STAT 103
501.071 Numerical Computation and Linear Algebra for Computer science 3 Introduction to linear algebra  3 AMAT 240
Inf. 03031UF Data structures and algorithms  3 Data structures and algorithms 3 CSIT 212
705.004 System Level Programming  3 Systems programming 3 CSIT 231
Inf. 01017UF Data management  3 Database systems  3 CSIT 555
INB.01234UF Foundation of Computer Science 3 Computer science theory 3 CSIT 379
Inp.33404UF Information security  3 Computer security 3 CSIT 460
Inp.32512UF Operating systems  3 Operating systems  3 CSIT 345
505.006 Discrete math for computer science 3 Discrete math 3 CSIT 170
University of Agder

University of Agder



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
is-214-1 Information systems and security  3 Information security system management  3 INFO 414
1s-407-1 Management of is projects 3 Fundamentals of project management  3 INFO 351
MF-202-1 Customer Relationship Management  3 Major elective  3 Major elective 
MF-206-1 Digital & Social Marketing  3 Technology in Business  3 INFO 290
TFL-11-2  Beat Culture: Literature and Art 3 World Lit: Voices of Tradition & Challenge  3 ENGL 117 
ME-112-1 Social Scientific Methods  3 Concentration electives  Concentration Electives 
UT-101-3 Global Political Economy  3 Concentration Electives 3 Concentration electives 
DAT-230-G Authoring Software  3 Concentration Electives 3 Concentration Electives
FR-124-1 French Literature & Culture 2 3 Reading & writing about literature in French  3 FREN 210 
Karl-Franzens University, University of Graz

Karl-Franzens University, University of Graz 



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
935.149 Waystage 4, Intensive Level A2 6 German Grammar,

Advanced German Through Music 

3, 2 GERM 205
DEH. 02001 PH Children’s Youth Literature 2 Fairy Tales from Grimm to Disney  2 GERM 226
510210 Eras and Constellations of German Literature (The Literature of East Germany) 3 n/a 3 n/a
520204 German: Culture and Civilization 2 n/a 2 n/a
DEC 02034 UB Interpreting Literature 2 n/a 2 n/a
DEC 01031 UB Literary Text Analysis 2 n/a 2 n/a
DEC 01040 UB Literary Traditions II 2 n/a 2 n/a
DEC 01010 UB Literature and Culture 2 n/a 2 n/a
Env 3190 Tropical marine biology 4 Intro to marine sciences 4 EAES 250
ENV 4030 Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems  4 Environment and Community 4 ANTH 422
Env 3044 Tropical ecology  4 Intro to ecology  4 BIOL 213
ENV 3005 Environmental Impact and Social Development  4 Managing urban environment 3 EAES 384
511.271 Periods Of English Lit 2 World Lit: Coming Of Age  3 World Lit: Coming Of Age
ENL. 02440UB Survey Anglophone Lit 2 World Lit: Voice Of Tradition  3 World Lit: Voice Of Tradition 
University of Konstanz

University of Konstanz



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
IBH Bodensee Summer School 2022 Intermediate german language 6 German Study Abroad 3 GERM 375
IBH German Intensive Language Course 3 Translation 1 3 GERM 315
LMU MISU language course 3 Translation II  3 GERM 316
lit-78960 Introduction to lyric analysis 3 Special topics in German literature and culture 3 GERM 420
lin-18860 Syntax of german 3 Practice in spoken German 3 GERM 309
eco-14390 Marketing management  3 Business german 3 GERM 321
International trade 3 Advanced business elective 3 Advanced business elective
Corporate finance  3 Cross-cultural behavior and management  3 MGMT 356
Dankook University

Dankook University 



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:
526170-1 Elementary Korean Conversation (Level 2) 3 Korean Conversation through K-Pop and Popular Culture 3 KORE 206
526120-1 Elementary Korean Writing (Level 2) 3 Intermediate Korean I 3 KORE 121
528540-1 Korean History 3 Introduction to Chinese Civilization 3 HIST 132 (for asian studies minor)
526060-1 Elementary Korean Reading (Level 2) 3 Reading in Korean 3 KORE 308
Korean Language -Intermediate 3 Beginning Korean 2 3 KORE 102
Korean Language Intermediate 3 Conv Kor thru K-pop and Pop cult 3 KORE 206
American National Government  3 American Govt & Politics POLS 101 
526250-1 Introductory Korean Listening (Level 1)  3 Beginner Korean  II 3 KORE 102
526110-1 Introductory Korean Writing (Level 1)  3 Beginner Korean II 3 KORE 102
526050-1 Introductory Korean Reading (Level 1) 3 Beginner Korean I  3 KORE 101 
526160-1 Introductory Korean Conversation (Level 1)  3 Beginner Korean I  3 KORE 101
528540-1 Korean Language 3 Reading Asian Cultures 3 HUMN 217 
490620-1 Overseas Market Development  3 Concentration Development  3 Concentration Development 
521250-1 Sustainable Management  3 Business Ethics & Social Impact  3 MGMT 201 
Hanze University of Applied Sciences (none currently listed)

Hanze University of Applied Sciences (none currently listed)



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair:

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:
Université Catholique de Lille (none currently listed)

Université Catholique de Lille (none currently listed)


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 
at Montclair:
Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:
Group EDH

Groupe EDH



Course Number Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent Credit Value Approved to count at Montclair as:
French Culture 3 Introduction to French Culture 3 FRIN 145
Advertising Culture 3 Communication & Media Major Elective 3 Communication & Media Major Elective
Digital Transformation & Digital Marketing 3 Communication & Media Major Elective 3 Communication & Media Major Elective
Communication Strategy 2 Media Criticism 2 CMST 325
Creativity and Innovation 3 Collaborative Problem-Solving 3 CMST 373
News: Description and Analysis 1 Communication & Media Major Elective 1 Communication & Media Major Elective
Video Project 1 Communication & Media Major Elective 1 Communication & Media Major Elective
Cross-Cultural Communications 3 Intercultural Communication 3 CMST 221
Journalistic Writing 3 Introduction to Journalism 3 JOUR 210
University of Seoul

University of Seoul


Course Number Abroad  Course Title  Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair Credit Value at Montclair Approved to count at Montclair as:
27001 Principles of Management 3 Business Admin Major Elective  3 Business Admin Major Elective 
27302 Investment Theory 3 Business Admin Major Elective  3 Business Admin Major Elective 
51201 English Interview and Presentation 3 GEC 3: Communication 3 GEC 3: Communication
90214 Lifetimes Physical Activity 3 GEJ: Physical Education 3  GEJ: Physical Education
1386 Beginning Korean Language 3 Beginning Korean Language  3 KORE 102


51242 Western Drama and Dramatic Theory 3 GEF1: Great Works and their Influences 3 GEF1: Great Works and their Influences
27906 Global Business 3 Major Elective  3 Major Elective 
1789 Intermediate Korean Language I 3 Intermediate Korean I 3 KORE 121


90006 Mass Media and Popular Culture in Korea 3 D: Fine and Performing Arts  3 n/a
39067 Metallic Materials  3 GEI: Natural Science Laboratory  3 n/a
IICE 90007 Korea and Globalization 3 Contemporary Chinese Society 3 CHEN 210 
IICE 90010 Eco. Dev. in East Asia 3 Special Topics, Concentration Elective in Business  3 Special Topics, Concentration Elective in Business 
01386 Korean Language II Korean II 3 KORE 
51229 English Language and Culture of English-Speaking Countries 3 Language and Culture, Capstone in Asian Languages & Culture  3 LNGN 245 
90207 Global Business  3 Intro to International Business 3 INBS 250 
27906 Global Marketing Management 3 Intro to Marketing, Intro to International Business 3 MKTG 240 
51229 English Language and Culture of English-speaking Countries 3 Language and Culture 3 LNGN 245 
S1068 English Phonetics 3 Phonetics 3 LNGN 331 
S1071 English Syntax 3 Syntax 3 LNGN 300 
1789 Pronunciation of Korean and Its Application 3 Beginning Korean II 3 KORE 102 
51201 English Presentation and Discussion 3 Fundamentals of Speech 3 CMST 101 
1789 Intermediate Korean 1 3 Intermediate Korean 1 3 KORE 121 
1793 Practical Korean 1 3 Mastering Korean: Daily Life in Korea 3 KORE 201
90003 Korean Tradition and Culture 3 Special Topics: Communications 3 CMST 341 
90009 East Asian History  3 Modern Japan: A History of Japan from the Meiji Through the Showa 3 HIST 129
90006 Mass Media 3 Contemporary Chinese Cinema and Society 3 CHEN 210 
90001 Special Topics 3 Special Topics in Chinese Culture  3 WLNC 368 
90205 Politics and Diplomacy of the Two Koreas 3 Government and Politics of China and Japan 3 POLS 206 
1793 Practical Korean Language I 3 Mastering Korean: Daily Life in Korea 3 KORE 201 
1789 Intermediate Korean Language I 3 Intermediate Korean I 3 KORE 121 
90006 Mass Media and Popular Culture 3 Media Effects 3 CMST 265 
1790 Korean Tradition and Culture 3 Culture and Identity  3 CMST 341 
1790 Intermediate Korean Language 3 Intermediate Korean II 3 KORE 13 
900009  East Asian History 3 Intro to Asian Studies  3 WLNC 145 
90007 Korea and Globalization 3 Concentration Elective 3 Concentration Elective
90003 Korean Tradition and Culture 3 Concentration Elective 3 Concentration Elective
Basic programming in materials science 3 Python Programming 1 3 CSIT 104
Engineering Mathematics  4 Introduction to Linear Algebra  4 AMAT 240
40108 Mobile Communications  3 Introduction to human-computer interaction  3 CSIT 335
90214 Lifetime and Physical Activity  3 Physical education  3 Physical education 
1960 Beginning Korean 1 3 Beginning Korean 1 3 KORE 101
27907 Global Financial Strategy 3 International Marketing 3 FINC 327
90211 Introduction to International Law 3 Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment of Business 3 BSLW 235
90206 Special Topics in Global Management 3 Business Elective 3 Business Elective 
90217 Special Issues in Business and Financial Accounting 3 Business Elective 3 Business Elective
IICE 90210 Pronunciation of Korean & Its Application  3 Beginning Korean 1 3 KORE 101
IICE 90003 Korean Tradition & Culture  3 Conversational Korean Through K-Pop & Popular Culture  3 Conversational Korean Through K-Pop & Popular Culture 
IICE 90002 Korean History  3 Korean Study Abroad, Concentration Elective 3 Korean Study Abroad, Concentration Elective
IICE 01960 Beginning Korean Language 1 3 Beginning Korean 2  3 Beginning Korean 2 
90207 Special Topics In Global Business  3 Intro To Marketing  3 Intro To Marketing 
Applied English Pronunciation By Computer 3 Language & Computers 3 Language & Computers
Practical Korean Language 4 3 Language Concentration Elective  3 Language Concentration Elective 
28133 Financial Economics 3 Economics and Finance for non-majors 3 ECON 202
90206 Special Topics in Global Business 3 Introduction to International Business 3 INBS 250
92059 Global Startup 3 Business Decision Making 3 INFO 301
1573 English Speaking and Discussion 3 Communications 3 CMST 101
27906 Global Business 3 Intro to International Business 3 INBS 250
27407 Human Resource Management 3 Negotiations In the Workplace 3 MGMT 305
28020 Theory of International Trade 3 Export/Import MKTG process 3 INBS 347
1960 Beginning Korean Language I 3 Beginning Korean I (Elective) 3 KORE 101 (Elective)
1944 Beginning Korean Language II 3 Beginning Korean II 3 KORE 102
University of Graz

University of Graz 

Austrian Marshall Plan Scholarship to Conduct Research


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:
MAT.650UB Topics in Commutative Ring Theory  1.5 Seminar  3 MATH 595
MAT.794UF Algebraic Topology  3 Topology  3 MATH 551
MAT.462UF Commutative Algebra  3 Abstract Algebra I  3 MATH 531
MAT.490UF Differential Equations and Boundary Values  3 Partial Differential Equations  3 MATH 566
MAT.450UB Scientific Computing in Mathematics 2.25 Fundamentals of Scientific Computing 1.5 MATH 585
MAT.790UF Quantum Computing for Mathematicians  3 Special Topics in Advanced Mathematics  3 MATH 590 
INP.32512UF  Operating Systems 3 Operating Systems 3 CSIT 345 
INP.33404UF Information Security  3 Computer Security  3 CSIT 460 
INB.01234UF Foundation of Computer Science  3 Computer Science Theory  3 CSIT 379 
INF.01017UF Data Management  3 Database Systems  3 CSIT 555 
INF.03031UF Data Structures and Algorithms  3 Data Structures and Algorithms  3 CSIT 212 
501.071 Numerical Computation and Linear Algebra for Computer Science  3 Introduction to Linear Algebra  3 AMAT 240 
INF.06124UF  Software Development Process 3 Software Engineering I 3 CSIT 315
INF .08008UF Object-Oriented Programming 1 3 Software Engineering II 3 CSIT 415
MAC.01103UB Linear Algebra 1 3 Linear Algebra 3 MATH 225
PHC. 0131OUB Experimental Physics I 3 University Physics I PHYS 191
PHD.01414UB Experimental Physics II 3 University Physics II PHYS 192
DEH02103UB Children’s and Youth Literature 3 Intro to German Literature 2 GERM 251
935344 German Vantage 4, Intensive, Level B2 6 German Poetry 3 GERM 362
MU0026UB Introduction to Popular Music 3 German Drama 2 GERM 364
975002 Introduction to International Relations 4 Translation II 3 GERM 316
935273 Russian Breakthrough 2, Group A, Level A1/2nd Phase 3 Translation III 2 GERM 317
403010 Sports and Film as a Cultural Phenomena 3 Translation IV 2 GERM 318
Current Topics of Management (Cross-Cultural Human Resource Management) 326 4 Cross-Cultural Behavior and Management 2 MGMT 65
German Vantage 3, Intensive, Level B2 935343 6 Translation 1 3 GERM 315
Historical Linguistics I 510271 4 Advanced Composition 2 GERM 310
Grammar Lecture 510204 4 Advanced Composition 2 GERM 310
German Language Proficiency Level B2 and higher 935325 3 Practice In Spoken German 1.5 GERM 309
Late Antique Architecture in West and East 561440 4 Practice In Spoken German 2 GERM 309
935318 German Threshold  3 Intro to German Literature 2 GERM 251
935133 German Grammar Practice 3 German Civilization 2 GERM 261
935149 German Waystage 4, Intensive 3 Advanced German through Music: From Mozart to Rammstein 2 GERM 221
935.324 German Effective Operational Proficiency 3 ​​Practice in Written German 3 GERM 142
602.92 ​​Methods in Psychology (II) 3 ​​​​Psychometrics 3 PSYC 578
4468 Topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (The American Regionalist Short Story)- 3 World Literature 3 ENGL 116
325 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Introduction to Philosophy 3 PHIL 100
1512 American Culture-History and Society 3 Introduction to American Studies 3 HIST 110
852 Advanced Course in Developmental Psychology (Language Development) 3 Psycholinguistics 3 PSYC 348
935.324 German Language Proficiency, Level B2 and higher 3 German Study Abroad 3 GERM 375
Advanced Statistics 3 Fundamentals of Modern Statistics I 3 STAT 330
Developmental Psychology 3 Developmental Psychology 3 PSYC 320
Clinical Psychology 3 Clinical Psychology 3 PSYC 354
Health Psychology 3 Health Psychology 3 PSYC 302
Work, Organization, and Environmental Psychology 3 Psychology of Work Organization6 3 PSYC 307
Pedagogical Psychology 3 School Psychology 3 PSYC 393
Social Psychology  3 Social Psychology 3 PSYC 304
DEB.01023UE Speech (Basics of breathing and speech) 1 Practice in Spoken German 1 GERM 309
935.15 German Threshold 1, Intermediate Level 3 German GrammarReview 3 GERM 205
510.21 Eras and Constellations of Germany n/a Introduction to German Literature 3 GERM 251
518.163 Structure Course (Tibetan) 2 Special Topics in the Structure of a Selected Language 2 LNGN 460
510.266 Semantics-Pragmatics Interface 2 Semantics 2 LNGN 301
518.566 Historical Linguistics 2 Comparative and Historical Linguistics  2 LNGN 370
GMS.01003UB Migration in Graz 2 German Civilization 2 GERM 261
BUL.01000UB System Earth 1 Principles of Geography 1 EAES 100
561.461 Ancient Greek Painting: An Introduction 2 Special Topics in German Literature and Culture 3 GERM 420
ENJ.1350UB Development of English 2 History of the English Language 2 LNGN 284
GSA.01100UB Introduction to the Study of History 2 German Study Abroad 2 GERM 375
LNGN 510.272 Histrio Linguistics 2 Language in Society, Comparative & Historical Linguistics 2 LNGN 230
DEB.01023UB Speech 2 Fundamentals of Speech: Communication requirement  2 CMST 101
DEH.02103UB Children’s and Youth Literature 2 Introduction to German Literature  2 GERM 251
649.208 Animals of the Zoo: Pets and Laboratory Animals  1 Special Topics in German Literature and Culture 1 GERM 420
GEO.G3UB Geotraverse: Field Trip to Eastern Alps 2 Physical Geology 2 EAES 105
511.161 Applied Linguistics Lecture (Linguistics Aspects of Bilingualism) 2 Bilingualism 2 LNGN 280
520.041 Introduction to Translation 1 Translation I 1 GERM 315
511.152 Linguistics Lecture (World Englishes) 2 Dialectology 2 LNGN 260
101.502 Introduction to Biblical Languages I: Hebrew 2 Special Topics in the Structure of a Selected Language 2 LNGN 460
935.241 Breakthrough 2, Group D, Level A1/2 2 Fundamentals of Spanish Grammar 2 SPAN 241
520.352 English: Discourse Analysis and Translation (German to English) 2 Translation II 2 GERM 316
Russian Breakthrough 11 3 Beginning Russian 11 3 RUSS 102
Russian Breakthrough 1 3 Beginning Russian 1 3 RUSS 101
German breakthrough 3 German Civilization  3 GERM  261
German breakthrough 3 Advanced German through Film 1 3 GERM 224
German breakthrough 3 Translation 1 3 GERM 315
Intermediate french 4 3 French literature 3 FREN 349
German breakthrough 2 3 Intermediate German 1 3 GERM 121
510.266 Semantics-Pragmatics Interface 2 Semantics 2 LNGN 301
BUL.01000UB Systems Earth 1 Principles of Geography  1 EAES 100
GWB.01059UB Cultural Geography 2 German Study Abroad  2 Search Results < CourseLeaf (
510.204 Grammar 2 Grammar Review  2 Search Results < CourseLeaf (
935150 German Threshold 1, Intensive, Level B1/1st Phase 3 German Grammar Review 3 GERM 205
349.401 Founder Stories  2 The Entrepreneurial Mindset & Innovation  2 ENTR 201
520.352 English: Discourse Analysis & Translations (German to English) Translation 2 2 GERM 316
935.241 Spanish Breakthrough 2, Group D, level A1/2 Spanish 1 2 SPAN 101
518.163 Structure Course (Tibetan) 2 Special Topics in the Structure of a Selected Language  2 LNGN 460
515.319 Linguistics of Slavic Languages  2 Special Topics in the Structure of a Selected Language  2 LNGN 460
SPR.04105UB Romance Linguistics: Spanish & Portuguese 2 Special Topics in the Structure of a Selected Language  2 LNGN 460
511.152 Linguistics Lecture (World Englishes) 2 Dialectology 2 LNGN 260
510.212 “Austrian” in Modern Literature- Dialects, Socialects, Colloquial Languages  2 Development of the German Language  3 GERM 320
621.696 Combinational Factorization 3 Special Topics in Advanced Mathematics 3 MATH 590
Karl Franzens University

Karl Franzens Univ.

Erasmus+ Scholarship Karl Franzens University of Graz) 



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:
English 511.271 Periods of English Literature 2 English Lit II 3 ENGL 241
ENGL02440UB Anglophone Lit 2 World Literature 3 ENGL 117 
ENM02521UB Topics in British Cultural Studies 2 Religion and Culture 2 RELG 221
935146 German Breakthrough 1 2 German Study Abroad 3 GERM 375
511.271 Periods of English Lit 2 World Lit: Coming of Age 3 ENGL 116 
561445 Introduction to Ancient Mesopotamian Archaeology 2 Cultures of the Middle East 2 ANTH 115
512320 Cultural Studies Lecture (Visual Culture Studies I) 2 Introduction to American Studies 2 HIST 110 
Northumbria University

Northumbria University 



Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as: 
MK 9525 Digital Business: Models, Marketing and Operations 10 Concentration Electives 5 Applied as Concentration Electives 
MK 9531 Communications and Content Marketing 10 Concentration Electives 5 Applied as Concentration Electives 
MK 9530 Dynamics of Marketing in Sport, Music, and Fashion 10 Major Electives 5 Applied as Major Electives 
HR 9516 Human Resources Management Essentials 3 Human Resources Management  3 MGMT 316 
SM 9636 Strategic Management for Sustainable Leadership  3 Concentration Electives 3 Concentration Electives
SM 9632 Contemporary Issues in International Business 3 Concentration Electives 3 Concentration Electives
​​MO5019 Researching Audiences 10 Special Topics in Communication and Media  5 CMST 255 , CMST 350 
MP6037 Sports, Media, and Society 10 Sports, Media, and Society 5 SPTC 247 
MP6038 Digital Media and Society 10 News Media and Participatory Culture 5 CMST 225
MP6032 Analyzing Advertising 10 Consumer Insights 5 STCM 381
MP6034 Current Affairs and Public Relations 10 Fundamentals of Advertising and Public Relations 5 STCM 130 
MI6010 Adaptations on Film and TV 10 Special Topics in Film Studies  5 ENFL 251
2022SEM2_MP5022BNN01 Cultural Identities on Screen 5 History of Film and TV 3 FMTV 101 
2022SEM2_MP6032BNN01 Analysing Advertising: Designs and Demographics 5 Special Topics – Comm & Media 3 CMST 255
2022SEM2_MP6038BNN01 Digital Media and Society 5 Media Effects 3 CMST 265 
Plus 2 equivalent credits from 2022SEM2_MP5022BNN01 AND 2022SEM2_MP6038BNN01 Plus 2 equivalent credits from 2022SEM2_MP5022BNN01 AND 2022SEM2_MP6038BNN01 3 Contexts Elective 3 Contexts Elective
Plus 2 equivalent credits from 2022SEM2_MP5022BNN01 AND 2022SEM2_MP6038BNN01 Plus 2 equivalent credits from 2022SEM2_MP5022BNN01 AND 2022SEM2_MP6038BNN01 3 Competencies elective 3 Competencies elective
EL 5026 Literature and Life of Hans Christian   10 World Lit: Voices Trad/ Challenge 5 ENGL 117 
EL 4004 Reading Poetry 10 Women Poets 5 ENGL 294
EL 6049 Jane Austen to Austenland 10 Special Topics in English Or American Lit.  5 ENGL 250 
EL 6044 Writing Fantasy and Science  10 Science Fiction 5 ENGL 378 
CR5007 Sex Work: Theory, Practice, Regulation 20 Special Topics – GSWS 3 GSWS 302
SO5009 Sex and Gender in Society  20 Sociology of Gender  3 SOCI 430 
SO5014 Activism and Advocacy  20 Selected Topics in Sociology 3 SOCI 250 
SO5005 Global Poverty and Development 20 Sociology: Rich and Poor Nations 3 SOCI 220 
SO5014 Activism and Advocacy  20 Social Change in the Global World 3 SOCI 340 
CR5007 Sex Work: Theory, Practice and Regulation 20 Sociology of Sexuality 3 SOCI 426 
IR5011 From Bastille to Strasbourg: A Journey Through Human Rights 20 Social Movements  3 SOCI 408 
PY0532 A Psychological Focus on Crime 3 Psychology of Aggression 3 PSYC 231
EL5026 Literary Revolutions 1700-1832 3 World Lit: Voices Trad/Challenge 5? ENGL 117 
HI5040 Dictatorship and Revolution: Central American, 1912-1996 3 Early Latin America  3 HIST 114 
MP5022 Cultural Identities on Screen 3 Television and Culture 3 CMST 227 
AM4001 Intro to American Studies 3 Intro to American Studies  3 HIST 110 
SO5009 Sex and Gender in Society 3 Anthro: Gender and Sexuality  3 ANTH 380 
SO5009 Sex and Gender in Society  3 Transnational Feminism  3 GSWS 200 
FA5019 Fashion Editorial  3 FM Track elective 3 FM Track elective
FA5018 Fashion Insight and Innovation  3 Fashion Forecasting N/A ARTX 410 
MP6029 Cinema & Society  3 200-300 level Major Elective 3 Elective
AP0618  Food and Nutrition- Policy and Issue 3 Dynamics of Food & Society  3 NUFD 153
SO5013 Families & Households: Value, Place and Culture 3 Sociology of the Family  3 SOCI 104 
PYO572 Psychological Perspectives on Crime  5 Forensic Psychology  5 PSYC 330 
PY0655 Health Psychology  5 Health Psychology 5 PSYC 302 
PY0677 Mental Health, Cognition and the Brain  5 Adv Elective II 5 Adv Elective
EL6058 Language, Meaning, and the Mind 5 Language of Food 5 LNGN 110 
EL5010 Historical Fiction  5 1 course in (F1) Great works & their influences 5 1 course in (F1) Great works & their influences
El6033 Language & Social Disadvantage  5 Language & Culture (major elective) 5 LNGN 245  
PY0536 Positive Psychology  3 The Good Life: The Science of Positive Psychology  3 PSYC 204
EL4017 Gothic Stories: Nineteenth Century to the Present  3 Victorian Popular Fiction  3 ENGL 349 
AM4001 Introduction to American Studies  3 Intro to American Studies  3 HIST 110
HI4005 From Sea to Shining Sea US History 1776-2008 3 History of the United States since 1876 3 HIST 118 
EL5008 Tragedy  3 English Drama: Beginnings to 1642 3 ENGL 352 
EL6057 Thieves, Harlots, Pirates, Murderers, Criminal Lives in the Long 18th Century  3 Literature of the Long 18th Century  3 ENGL 341
EL5026 Literary Revolutions: 1700-1832 3 From Sensibility to Romanticism  3 ENGL 342
MK9517 International Marketing 20 International Marketing 5 INBS 349 
MK9627 Buyer Behavior & IMC 20 Consumer Behavior 5 MKTG 341
AP0521 Nutrition through the Lifecycle 20 Nutrition with Lab 5 NUFD 192 
TM9540 Marketing for Tourism & Events 20 International Tourism Marketing and Management 5 HSET 315 
HR9516 Human Resource Management Essentials  20 Human Resources Management 5 MGMT 316 
KE5033 Environment Cycles: Aid, Water, and Soil 20 Earth and Environment 5 EAES 107 
TM9639 Tourism, Events, and Society  20 Intro to HOSP and Tourism 5 HSET 250 
MK9627 Buyer Behaviour and Integrated Marketing Communication  20 Consumer Behavior 3 MKTG 341
MK9517 International marketing 20 Concentration Elective 3 Concentration Elective
MK9525 Digital Business: Models, marketing, and operations 20 Digital Marketing 3 MKTG 348
SM9533 International Business: growth strategies and resourcing 20 Export/Import MKTG Process 3 INBS 347 
AP0402 5 General Chemistry II 3 CHEM 121
AP0551 DNA Profiling 5 Cellular and Molecular Biology 3 BIOL 230
AP0411 Introductory Pathological Pathological Sciences  3 Study of Human Diseases 3 HLTH 208
Nebrija University

Nebrija University



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
MK 3001 Online Marketing in the Digital Era  3 Digital Marketing 3 Concentration Electives
MK 3002 Consumer Behavior 3 Consumer Behavior 3 MKTG 341
DE 1124 International Business  3 International Marketing 3 Concentration Electives
CH4521 Business Spanish/ ESPAÑOL PARA LA EMPRESA 3 Special Topics in Advanced Studies of Spanish Language 3 SPAN 501
CH4631 Women in Spanish Literature of the Golden Age/LA MUJER EN LA LITERATURA ESPAÑOLA DE LOS SIGLOS DE ORO 3 Theater of the Golden Age 3 SPAN 522
CH3681 Contemporary Spanish Novel 3 Contemporary Spanish Novel 3 SPAN 534
CH4631 Women in Spanish Golden Age Literature 3 Special Topics in Advanced Studies of Spanish Language 3 SPAN 501
CH2651 Conversation and Culture 3 Spanish Conversation 3 SPAN 344
CH3601 Spanish Language 3 Advanced Spanish Grammar 3 SPAN 410
CH4521 Español para la empres 3 Spanish Cultural History 3 SPAN 530
CH3171 Spanish Cinema & Society  3 Spanish Film & Fiction  3 SPAN 439
CH3041 Diverse Spain 3 Cultural Studies: Spain  3 SPAN 374
CH3181 Art in the Prado Museum  3 Special Topics in Spanish / (F1) Great Works & their Influences 3 SPAN 373, Gen Ed 
ch3601 Lengua Espanola 3 Fundamentals of Spanish Grammar  3 SPAN 241
ch3641 Cultura Espanola 3 Cultural studies: Spain n/a SPAN 374
ch4611 Lengua Espanola  3 Spanish composition and stylistics  3 SPAN 242
ch4521 Business spanish/ espanol para la empresa 3 Special topics in advanced studies of Spanish language  3 SPAN 501
ch4631 Women in Spanish Literature  3 Theater of Golden Age 3 SPAN 522
ch3681 Contemporary Spanish Novel 3 Contemporary Spanish Novel  3 SPAN 534

   Business School Exchange Program:

Toulouse Business School
To learn about the course equivalences possible at this new exchange program, email Sahar Qurbani at and Jeanelle Wheeler at
Javeriana Cali, Columbia
To learn about the course equivalences possible at this new exchange program, email Sahar Qurbani at and Jeanelle Wheeler at
Kozminsky University
To learn about the course equivalences possible at this new exchange program, email Sahar Qurbani at and Jeanelle Wheeler at

    National Student Exchange Program:

California State University

California State University 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:  

ART306 Motion Graphics 3 Compositing 1 3 ANIM 210
ART443 Animation drawing 3 CO-OP Educational Experience 3 N/a
ART322C Digital Illustration 3 Intermediate Digital Painting Methods 3 ARIL 300
UPR - Mayaguez Campus

UPR– Mayaguez Campus


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
HIST 3242 History of Puerto Rico 3 Spanish Study Abroad  3 SPAN 375
ARTE 3122 Painting 3 Painting 3 ARST 204
EDFI 3245 Elementary Swimming  1 Beginning Swimming 1 PEGN 200
ESPA 3216 Formal Exportivie Writing 3 Fundamentals of Spanish grammar 3 SPAN 241
ESPA 4105 Puerto Rican Poetry 3 Special Topics: Spanish & Latin America 3 SPAN 373
Sonoma State University

Sonoma State University 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
BUS 451 Entreprenuership/ Small Business Management  3 Small Business Management 3 MGMT 335 
BUS 365 Introduction to Hospitality and Event Management  3 Intro to HOSP & Tourism  3 HSET 250 
BUS 344  Organizational Behavior  3 Organizational Behavior  3 MGMT 315 
BUS 340  Survey of Human Resource Management 3 Human Resource Management  3 MGMT 316
BUS 391 Cross Culture Communication & Negotiation  3 Concentration electives 3 Concentration electives 
BUS 319  Introduction to MIS  3 Major Elective 3 Major Elective
University of New Haven

University of New Haven 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
BUS 33202 Entrepreneurship: Creative Business 3 The Entrepreneurial Mindset 3 ENTR 201
CUL 34002 Food and Culture 3 Food and Culture 3 HSET 388
n/a Investment Theory 3 Major Elective 3 Major Elective
COM340 Communication & Global Competence 3 Intercultural Communication  3 CMST 221
JRN36102 Communication: Blogging & Storytelling  3 Introduction Of Journalism  3
Texas State University

Texas State University 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
PSY 1300-006 Introduction to Psychology 3 Introduction to Psychology 3 PSYC101
PFW 1110G-01 Beg Weightlifting 3 Weight Training and Conditioning  3 PEGN257
SOCI337-001 Food and Society 3 Food and Society 3 NUFD153
ITAL1410 Beginning Italian 1 4 Italian 1 4 ITAL101
HIST1320-039 Hist US to Date  3 History of the United States Since 1876  3 HIST118
ART 2313 Intro Fine Arts 3 3
BIO 1130 Functional Bio Lab 1 1
BIO 1330 Functional


3 Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology 3 BIOL 240 
NUTR 1162 Food Systems Lab 1 1
NURT 1362 Food Systems 3 Quantity Food and Purchasing and Production 3 NUFD 253
New York Film Academy Florence

New York Film Academy Florence


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
FILM 014 4 Film Making II 4 FMTV 322
ACT104 Acting for Film  n/a Major Elective 4 Major elective 
ACT 140  Film craft  3 Film Making I 3 FMTV 220 
University of South Florida

University of South Florida


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
Scanlon International Fashion Merchandising Internship 6 Fashion Product Development 3 ARTX 398
INT 402/USF IDS 3947 International Fashion Merchandising Internship 6 Fashion Forecasting 3 ARTX 410
University of New Orleans

University of New Orleans


Course Number Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  Credit Value 
FTA 2260 Writing Short Film 3 Writing for the Feature Film 3 FMTV 311
FTA 3460 Introduction to Documentary Production 3 Producing the Documentary 3 FMTV 383
PHIL 2201 Ethics 3 Ethics 3 PHIL 102
WGS 2010 Introduction to Women’s Studies 3 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies 3 GSWS 102
FTA4542 History of Documentary Film  3 400-level major  3 Major requirement
MUS 2006  Jazz History  3 Introduction to Jazz 3 MUGN 109
FTA 1665 Beginning FIlm Postproduction  3 Intermediate Post-production  3 FMTV 343 
University Hawaii at Manoa

University Hawaii at Manoa


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

At Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:  

PSY 250 Social Psychology 3 Social Psychology 3 PSYC 304
PSY 476 Health Psychology 3 Health Psychology 3 PSYC 302
PSY 240 Developmental Psychology 3 Developmental Psychology I 3 PSYC 320
PSY 371 Abnormal Psychology 3 Abnormal Psychology 3 PSYC 365
Willamette University

Willamette University 


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:  

ARCH 355 Archaeology Field School 3 Archaeological Field Methods 3 ANTH 470  
University of the Virgin Islands

University of the Virgin Islands


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:   

Intro to Cultural & Physical Anthropology  3 (K2) Social science: Global & Perspective studies   3 (K2) Social science: Global & Perspective studies  
Selected Problems in World Art  3 World Cultures Requirement 3 World Cultures Requirement
Introduction to Humanities  3 (F1) Great Works & their Influences  3 (F1) Great Works & their Influences 
Brock University

Brock University 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
COMM 3P19 Communications and Media Policy 3 Entertainment Law: Media Contracts and Intellectual Property 3 FMTV 370 
COMM 3P55 Advertising in Context 3 Social Media Analytics 3 STCM 240 
COMM 3Q96 Representation Matters 3 Popular Comm and Critical Analysis 3 CMST 401
Maryville University

Maryville University 


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:   

ART 355 Printmaking and Book arts 3 printmaking 3 ARST 206 

   Affliated Programs:

CEA Vrije University Netherlands

CEA Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vrije University (CEA)


Course Number Abroad  Course Title  Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit Value Approved to count at Montclair as:


N/A Buddhist Mindfulness and Care 3 Religions of the World  3 RELG 100 
AB_1056 Cognitive Neuroscience 3 Neurobiology 3 BIOL 468
AB_1229 Governance of Global Sustainability 3 Building Sustainable Communities 3 ANTH 429
AB_1138 Cell Biology 3 Cell and Molecular Biology 3 BIOL 230 
W_BA_PNEU Philosophy and Neuroethics 3 Building Sustainable Communities 3 ANTH 429   
Cell Biology 3 Cell and Molecular Biology 3 BIOL 230 
W_BA_PNEU Philosophy and Neuronetics 3 Philosophy of Science 3 PHIL 266 
G_BATRSAL023 Buddhist Yoga and the Nature of the Mind: Sources of Buddhist Spirituality 3 Buddhism 3 RELG 213 
Ab_1056 Cognitive neuroscience 3 Neurobiology  3 BIOL 468 
ab_1229 Governance in Global Sustainability  3 Building sustainable communities  3 ANTH 429
ab_1138 Cell Biology 3 Cell and molecular biology 3 BIOL 230
w_ba_pneu Philosophy and neuroethics  3 Philosophy of science  3 PHIL 266
g_batrsal023 Buddhist yoga and the nature of the mind: sources of buddhist spirituality  3 Buddism  3 RELG 213
l_gcbaalg003 Imaging the Dutch: Themes Dutch history 3 History study abroad 3 HIST 299
l_ncbaciw21 Language in social media  3 Introduction to communications  3 CMST 110 
g_batrsal088 Spirituality and sustainability  3 Spirituality and mysticism  3 RELG 301
g_batrsal083 Buddhism and mindfulness 3 Buddhism  3 RELG 213
g_batrsal058 Psychology of Religion 3 Psychology of Religion 3 RELG 363
ab_1230 Sustainability and environment  3 Introduction to sustainability science  3 EAES 202
ab_1057 Nature vs nuture 3 Cognitive science elective 3 Cognitive science elective 
TEAN: University of Melbourne

University of Melbourne

Education Abroad Network (TEAN): University of Melbourne


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
HIST 20071 American History: 1945 to Now 12.5 History of the US Since 1876 3 HIST 118
MUSI20208 Electronic Dance Music Technique  12.5 Rap and Rock as Cultural Phenomenal 3 MUGN 120
EUSA University

EUSA University (Affiliated) 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
Theory and Technology of Advertising Photography  3 Competencies elective 3 STCM 140 
Communication & Global Competence 3 Contexts category major elective 3 CMST 427
Cultural Values & Stereotypes: Spain & the U.S. 3 Contexts category major elective 3 CMST 221 
ISA Athens, Greece: Arts, Business, Liberal Arts & Sciences - Semester

American College of Greece (affiliated ISA)

ISA Athens, Greece: Arts, Business, Liberal Arts & Sciences – Semester


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
FN 3113 Corporate finance 3 Corporate finance  3 Finc 322
Pe 1006 Power Pilates  3 Weight train/condition  3 Pegn 257
oc100 Oceanography: physics and geology of the ocean basins  3 Introduction to marine sciences 3 EAES 250
CEA Madrid, Spanish Language & Culture

Cea Madrid

CEA: Madrid, Spain – Spanish Language & Culture


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
13473 Business Model and Design Thinking 3 Strategic business communications  3 BUGN 280
19615 European politics and society  3 Comparative politics 3 POLS 201
13473 Marketing management  3 Concentration elective 3 Concentration elective 
18364 Cultural Geography  3 World Cultures requirement  3 World Cultures requirement 
CEA: London, University of Westminster
University of Westminster

CEA London, England – University of Westminster – Arts, Business & Sciences


Course number Abroad Course title  Credit value  Course equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
Lndn colt 3311 Post war british popular culture 3 Social science: American and European history 3 gek1
Lndn litr 3312 Shakespeare and London 3 Shakespeare- tragedy and romances 3 ENGL 354
Lndn intp 3347 Global internship course 3 sem/internship: pol science 7 POLS 420
University of Konstanz (Summer)
University of Konstanz (Summer)

Lake constance summer school


Course number  Abroad Course title  Credit value  Course equivalent at Montclair  Credit value   Approved to count

at Montclair as:  

Lake Constance Summer school 3 Translation 11 3 GERM 316
Universitat Politècnica de València

Universitat Politècnica de València


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:   

APMA 3100 Probability 3 Probability 3 MATH 340
SPAN A1 SPAN A1 3 Spanish II 3 SPAN 102
Spanish Culture and Civilization 3 Culture Requirement 3 LALS 202
CS 2102 Discrete Mathematics 3 Discrete Mathematics 3 CSIT 170
CEA: Paris (University of New Haven)

CEA Paris: University of New Haven 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
ARH361 Paris: History of Style/Fashion 3 Concentration Elective 3 Concentration Elective
IRS 331 Globalization: Politics, Culture, and Global Governance 3 Cross-Cultural Behavior and Management  3 MGMT 356
MKT 310 Consumer Behavior 3 Consumer Behavior 3 MKTG 341
CEA: Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin

CEA Dublin, Ireland – International Business


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as: 
SOU33032 Social Stratification and Inequalities 5 Social Inequality 3 SOCI 315
SOU3303 Race, Ethnicity, and Identity  5 Racial and Ethnic Relations 3 SOCI 102
SOU44062 Migration Mobilities and Integration 10 Immigration 6 SOCI 307
CEA Spain (University of New Haven)

CEA Spain (University of New Haven)


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
COM340 Communication and Global Competence 3 Intercultural Journalism 3 CMST 221
JRN36102 Communication: Blogging and Storytelling 3 Introduction of Journalism 3 JOUR 210 
ISA:University Catholique de Lille

University Catholique de Lille

ISA Paris, France: Arts & French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris – Summer


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
N/A Introduction to Art and Cinema 3 French Film 3 HUMN 286
N/A Techniques of Traditional Cartoon and Digital Animation 3 Intermediate 2D Animation 3 ARIL 362 (but it is now ANIM 301)
N/A French Language and Culture B1 3 Intermediate French 3 FREN 121-01
N/A World-Class Museums Between Paris and Brussels 3 Special Topics in Art History 3 ARHT 490
ISA: Santa Reparata International School of Arts

Santa Reparata International School of Art

ISA Santander, Spain: Spanish Language and Culture – Summer


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
ART 260 Italian Fashion Industry 3 Textile & Apparel Colloquium  3 ARTX 220
ART 370 Fashion Illustration  3 Fashion Illustration 3 ARTX 230
Midreshet Tehillah

Midreshet Tehillah 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
n/a GPS for the Jewish Soul 1.5 Myth, Meaning, and Self 3 RELG 322 
n/a Studies in the Writing of the Luzato 1.5 Old Testament

Hebrew Scriptures 

3 RELG 200
n/a Unexplored Mitzvot 1.5 Religion and Ethical Issues 3 RELG 220 
Ludwig-Maximilians - University of Munich

Ludwig – Maximilians – University of Munich (LMU)

Affiliated – Institution 


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

  at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:   

​​LMU MISU language course 3 Translation II 3 GERM 316
LMU MISU language course 3 German Study Abroad 3 GERM 375
CIEE Copenhagen

CIEE Copenhagen

Affiliated- Institution 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
University of the Sunshine Coast

University of the Sunshine Coast

Affiliated – institution 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
​​SCI102 Biodiversity and Ecology 4 Principles of Bio II 4 BIO 113 (course not found)
CMN260 Writing the Short Story 3 (C2) COMMUNICATION: LITERATURE 3
MTH 104 Introductory Calculus 3 Calculus I 3 MATH 122
DRA100 Acting I: The Actor’s Craft 3 Acting I 3 THTR 105
ENG312 Soil Mechanics 3 Principles of Soil Science 3 EAES 341
ENS 223 Environmental Impact Assessment 3 Energy, Environment, and Society 3 EAES 260
GEO 302 Coastal Geomorphology 3 Coastal marine Geology 3 ​​​​EAES 451
SCI 110 Science Research Methods 3 Data Science and Statistics 3 STAT 230
Korea University

Korea University (Affiliated Program: TEAN)


Course Number Abroad  Course Title  Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value Approved to count at Montclair as:
KHES 233 Medical Terminology  3 Medical Terminology  3 HLTH 105
KHPM 303 Introduction to Social Epidemiology  3 Science of Public Health: Epidemiology  3 HLTH 365
LIBS 443 Immunology  3 Immunology  3 BIOL 445
LIST 401 Cancer Biology  3 Biology of Cancer  3 BIOL 476
IFLS 110 Intermediate Korean 1  3 Intermediate Korean 1  3 KORE 121
BUSS 238 Advertising Management  3 Major Electives 3 Major Electives
BUSS 254 Investments 3 Major Electives 3 Major Electives
BUSS 303 Design Thinking (Digital) 3 Major Electives 3 Major Electives
DISS 114 Principles of International Commerce 3 Cross-Cultural Behavior &  MGMT 3 MGMT 356
DISS 252 International Economic Law 3 Legal Ethical Global Envmt-Bus 3 BSLW 235
ECON 336 International Trade 3 International Economics 3 ECON 370
BUSS 344  International Finance  3 International Financial Management  3 FINC 327
BUSS 394 Business Negotiation  3 Negotiations in the Workplace 3 MGMT 305
BUSS 384 Corporate Finance  3 Corporate Finance 3 FINC 322
BUSS 342 Consumer Behavior  3 Consumer Behavior  3 MKTG 341
DISS 264 Rethinking Korean Culture 3 Gen Ed. Philosophical and Religious Perspectives  3  GEN ED
ENGL 327 British and American Literature on Film 3 Major Film and Filmmaking Electives’ for Film Minor 3 N/A
ENGL 327 British and American Literature and Cinema 3 Interdisciplinary Gen Ed’ Requirement 3 N/A
JMCO262 Media and Gender 3 Communication, Media, and Gender 3 CMST 340
JMCO 363 Theories of Media Effects 3 Media Effects 3 CMST 265
IFLS 240 02 Korean Speaking for Beginning I 3 Mastering Daily Life in Korea 3 KORE 201
IFLS245 02 Korean Writing for Beginners for Korean Elective 3 Korean Study Abroad 3 KORE 375
BUSS154 02 Business Statistics 3 Statistical Methods in Business 3 INFO 240 
Organizational Behavior  3 Major elective in International Business  3 Major elective in International Business 
Corporate Governance  3 Major elective in International Business  3 Major elective in International Business 
Temple University Japan

Temple University Japan


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:
ASST 2373 Japanese Culture  3 Cultures of South Asia  3 ANTH 130 
REL3301 Japanese Religion 3 Asian Religions  3 RELG 240 
GUS2074 Geography of East/Southeast Asia 3 Geography of East/Southeast Asia  3 EAES 271
JPNS2701 Japanese Intermediate I  3 Intermediate Japanese I 3 JAPN 121
PSY3223 Child Psychopathology/Treatment 3 Child Psych 3 PSYC 201
PSY3151 Behavioral Principles  3 Advanced Elective 2 3 N/A
PSY0817 Brain Matters 3 Physiological Psych 3 PSYC 305
FMA 3246 Documentary Workshop I 4 Documentary Workshop 3 FMTV 400 
PHIL 1101 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Intro to Philosophy 3 PHIL 100 
CSI 3896 Rhetorical Criticism  3 Rhetorical Criticism 3 CMST 412
MSP 4497 Media and Children 3 Children’s Television 3 FMTV 307
CCIS: American University of Rome

American University of Rome

CCIS: Rome, Italy–American University of Rome 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as: 
ITL-200 Intermediate Italian I Through Film 3 Italian Study Abroad  3 ITAL 375
ECO 301 International Trade 3 International Economics 3 ECON 370
FINC 211 Personal Finance  3 Personal Finance 3 FINC 209
ANTH 100 Introduction to Anthropology 3 Cultural Anthropology 3 ANTH 100
ECFN-306 International Finance 3 International Financial Management  3 Concentration Elective
FNC-401 Investment Banking  3 Business Elective 3 Concentration Elective
HST-200 History of Modern Italy 3 Gen Ed European History 3 GEK-1
ITL-250 Intermediate Italian II Through Music 3 Grammar and Composition II 3 ITAL 243
FLM 214 Screenwriting 3 Story Analysis & Introduction to Screenwriting  3 FMTV 210 
CEA: University of Barcelona

University of Barcelona

CEA Barcelona, Spain – Advanced Humanities & Social Sciences


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as: 
MKT 333 BCN Sports Marketing 3 Sports Marketing  3 HSET 320 
MKT 340 BCN Digital Marketing 3 Digital Marketing 3 MKTG 348 
MKT 320 International Marketing 3 International Marketing 3 INBS 349 
A2 (200 Level)  Principiante III 8 Spanish III 3 SPAN 103
B1.2 Elemental II 3 Spanish III 3 SPAN 103
B1.2 Elemental II 4 Spanish IV 3 SPAN 104 
REL310BCN World Religions 3 Religions of the World  3 RELG 100 
HIS336BCN Cultural History Of Spain From Dictatorship To Globalization 3 Contemporary Europe, 1914 To The Present  3 HIST 106
CEA: Universita Cattolica Del Sacro

Universita Cattolica del Sacro

CEA Rome, Italy – Politics, Economics & Business: (CEA )


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as: 
ZXP 711 Entrepreneurial Finance 3 Entrepreneurial Accounting and Finance 3 ENTR 310 
ZXP 710 Green Management & Sustainability 3 Advanced Innovation and Digitally Mediated Making 3 ENTR 360 
ZXP 709 Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship  3 Marketing for Entrepreneurs 3 ENTR 320 
ZXP 713 Business Ethics 3 Business Ethics and Social Impact 3 MGMT 201
ZXP 706 Leadership Coaching: Brining Potential to the Stage of Work  3 Leadership 3 MGMT 318 
CEA: Florence University of the Arts

Florence University of the Arts

CEA Florence, Italy – Art, Culture & Business in Italy


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as: 
HSSAY 190 The Art of Yoga And Meditation 3 Yoga 3 PEGN 278 
AAHAH210 Introduction to Art History 3 Gen Ed – Great Works and Their Influence 3 GEN ED 
LAPL 215 Philosophy and Science in Early Modern Italy 3 Introduction to Philosophy 3 PHIL 100
LAHS 280 Florentine Art Walks 3 Humanities Elective 3
FAPD 200 Fresco Painting 3 Painting 3 ARST 204 
FWWC 335 Pairing Food and Wine 3 Humanities Elective 3
FAPDFP120 Foundation Painting 3 Painting 3 ARST 204 
LACWCW200 Creative Writing 3 College writing II 3 WRIT 106 
HPHTCM360 Art, Food, Fashion, and Wine: Creative Advertising of Italian Destinations 3 General Humanities I 3 HUMN 201 
HPFBSF250 The Italian Food Industry: From Farm to Table 3 General Humanities II HUMN 202
LSSORP300 Food of Italy: Regional Cultures 3 Cultural Anthropology 3 ANTH 100
FWWCTW262 Tuscany and Its Wines 3 Dynamics of Food and Society 3 NUFD 153
CPJLCS235 Art, fashion, food, and wine journalism 3 College Writing II 3 WRIT 106 
LACWCR230 Critical writing 3 College Writing II 3 WRIT 106 
LACWWM250 Writing for digital media 3 College Writing II 3 WRIT 106 
IDRHAR340 Italian Renaissance Architecture 3 General Humanities I 3 HUMN 201 
GSANCI202 Cultural Introduction to Italy 3 Cultural Anthropology 3 ANTH 100
FAPDFD120 Foundation drawing 3 Perceptual Drawing 3 ARFD 100 
FWWCPF335 Pairing food and wine 3 Dynamics of Food and Society 3 NUFD 153
CIEE Netherlands

CIEE Netherlands

 Study Abroad Netherlands: International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender: SIT


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Valu Approved to count at

Montclair as: 

​​PSYC 3001 Amnt Cross-Cultural Psychology 3 PSYC Minor Elective 3
Kingston University

Kingston University


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
PS 4003 Philosophical Concepts in Psychology  4 History and Systems of Psychology  4 PSYC 360
PS 5003 Brain, Behavior, and Cognition   4 Physiological Psychology 4 PSYC 305
PS 5008  Mental Health and Brain Function 4 Abnormal Psychology 4 PSYC 365
BH 5102 HRM in an International Context  4 Human Resources Management  4 MGMT 316
BM 5209 Marketing Simulation 4 Seminar in Retail Management 4 MKTG 483
BM 5211 CSR in Marketing 4 Sustainability and Green Marketing 4 MKTG 365
BM 5702 Marketing Metrics 4 Marketing Analytics  4 MKTG 447
BA5197 Business Law & Ethics 4 Intern. Business Concentration Elective 4 Intern. Business Concentration Elective
BH4103 Organizational Behavior 4 Intern. Business Concentration Elective 4 Intern. Business Concentration Elective
BA5809 Financial Investment 4 Intern. Business Concentration Elective 4 Intern. Business Concentration Elective
TEAN: University of Auckland

University of Auckland

Education Abroad Network (TEAN): University of Auckland


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
EDUC114 Intro to Maori Education 15 Philosophical Orientation to Education 3 EDFD 220
EDUC105 Teaching: Tales and Traditions 15 The Golden Age of Children’s Literature 3 ENGL 225
History 103 Global History 15 Independent Study: Nonwestern History 3 HIST 415, HIST 409
EARTHSCI 120 Planet Earth 15 Earth System History 3 EAE 240
MGMT 211 Understanding Organizations 3 Major Elective 3 Major Elective
MGMT 302 Strategic Management  3 Concentration Elective 3 Concentration Elective
MGMT 309 Organizational Ethics and Sustainability  3 Concentration Elective 3 Concentration Elective
MGMT 314 Critical Issues in Organizations 3 Concentration Elective 3 Concentration Elective
INNOVENT 203 The Entrepreneurial Mindset  3 Major Elective 3 Major Elective
INTBUS 305 Governing International Business 3 Major elective 3 Major Elective
INTBUS 300 Firms Across Frontiers 3 Major Elective 3 Major Elective
CEA: University of Alicante

University of Alicante

CEA Alicante, Spain – Identity & Global Citizenship


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
34012 Programming III 3 Fundamentals of Programming II 3 CSIT 112
100 Spanish 100 (INICIAL A1) 3 Spanish I 3 SPAN 101
23531 Global Tourism 3 Economics Major Elective 3 Economics Major Electives 
22520 Creative Strategy and Conceptualization  3 Fundamentals of Speech 3 CMST 101 
LMU Munchen

LMU München 


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:   

n/a LMU MISU Language Course 3 Translation II 3 GERM 316
LMU MISU Language course  3 German study abroad  3 GERM 725 
CEA Barcelona Center

CEA Barcelona Center 

CEA Barcelona, Spain – Liberal Arts & Social Sciences


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
COM 351 Social Media: Digital Identity & the Virtual Community 3 Introduction to Communication and Media 3 CMST 110
REL 310 BCN World Religions 3 Religion of the World RELG 100  
CUL 350 Spanish Civilization and Culture 3 Non-west Contribution West World  ANTH 140   
CUL 340 Food and Culture in Spain 3 Cultural Anthropology  ANTH 100   
HIS 336 BCN Cultural History of Spain from Dictatorship to Globalization 3 Contemporary Europe, 1914 to the Present HIST 106
POL 360 Contemporary Spain: History, Politics and Society 3 Contemporary Europe, 1914 to the Present HIST 106
CCIS: Instituto Lorenzo de Medici

Instituto Lorenzo de Medici

CCIS: Florence, Italy–Lorenzo de Medici


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
ITL 101 F 3-Hour Italian Language Elementary I 3 Italian  1 3 ITAL 101
PER 207 F Acting for the Screen 3 Dramatic Workshop II 3 ​​THTR 436
HIS 215 Florentia: The Ancient Roots of Florence 3 Theatre History: Classical to Elizabethan 3 THTR 210
REL 250 F The Moving Body: Yoga, Dance, Theatre, and the Visual Arts of India / Religions of India  3 Religions of the world  3 RELG 100
LIT 273 F/PER 273 F (dual listing) Romeo and Juliet: a Love Story Across the Arts 3 (F1) GREAT WORKS AND THEIR INFLUENCES 3 N/A
PER 206 F Acting Dante’s Inferno 3 Acting IV: BFA Scene Study II 3 THTR 223
PER 300 F Intermediate Ballet 3 Musical Theatre Dance III – Jazz 3 DNCE 324
LIT 273 F/PER 273 F (dual listing)  Romeo & Juliet:  A Love Story Across the Arts  3 (F1) Great works and their influences 3 Gen Ed
ISA: Institut Catholique de Paris

Institut Catholique de Paris 

 Paris, France: Arts & French Language at the Institut Catholique de Paris – Summer:ISA


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
2122_ILCF_JUN French Language LF02 72 French Stylistics and Composition 5 FREN 204
​​LF09 – B2/C1 – 15h Intensive French Language – Advanced/Superior 72 Mastering French 5 FREN 203
RF05 – B2 – 6h Intensive French Language – Advanced 28 Perfecting French Pronunciation 2 FREN 205
LF16 – B2/C1 – 21h Intensive French Language – Superior 100 Reading and Writing About French 7 FREN210 and FREN 375
ISA: American Business School, Paris

American Business School, Paris 

ISA Paris, France: Business, Culture and French Language at the American Business School Paris – Summer


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:  

MKTG 350 International Marketing  3 International Marketing  3 Concentration Electives
FINC 450 International Finance 3 International Financial Management 3 Concentration Electives
University of Roehampton

University of Roehampton


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair

Credit Value  CApproved to count

at Montclair as: 

ECH020C101 Contemporary Issues in Education 20 Current Issues in American Education  5 EDFD 449
BSS020C145 Core Skills in Biological Science 20 Biological Sciences 5 BIOL 100 
CAH020C102A Rome: Epic and Empire  20 300-400 level Social Science Elective 5
DRA020C199 Introduction to the London Stage  3 Theatre for Community Impact 3 THTR 285 
PHT020C108  Digital Photography Workshop  3 Multimedia Production 3 STCM 140 
TEAN: Victoria University

Victoria University

 Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Victoria University of Wellington


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:
AAH3003 Making the Modern Middle East 3 Intro to Modern Middle East 3 HIST 112
RBF1310 Biology 2 3 Biological Studies 3 BIOL 100 
ABA 1003 Introduction to Sociology 3 Introduction to Sociology 3 SOCI 100
ECE2003 History, Philosophy, and Early Childhood Education  3 Philosophical Orientation to Education  3 EDFD 220
ECY3001 Working With Young People With Complex Issues  3 Psychology of Adjustment   3 PSYC 225
AEK1204 Aboriginal History & Political Movements  3 Social Science Global Cultural Perspectives  3 GEN ED 
ECE 2004 Engaging With Place Through Rethinking Childhoods and Development   3 Service-Learning Experiences With Families And Children  3 FSHD 316 
CEA:Florence University of the Arts

Florence University of the Arts

CEA Florence, Italy – Art, Culture & Business in Italy


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as: 
INT 402/ USF IDS 3947 Entrepreneurial Marketing Experiential Learning Internship 3 HSET Major Elective 3 HSET Major Elective
SHSSAY 190 The Art of Yoga and Meditation  3 Yoga 3 PEGN 278 
ISA: Universidad de Malaga

Universidad de Malaga



Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:
International Relations: Spain as a Gateway to Europe, Africa, and Latin America 3 (K2) SOCIAL SCIENCE: GLOBAL CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES 3
Christians, Jews, & Muslims in Spanish  3 (K2) Social Science: Global Cultural Perspectives 3
Intensive Spanish Class 3 Fundamentals of Spanish Grammar 3 SPAN 241
Intensive Spanish Class 3 Spanish Composition and Stylistics 3 SPAN 242
CEA Florence

CEA Florence


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
ANT 320 Italy: Contemporary Society/Culture 3 Contemporary Europe 1914-Present 3 HIST 106
​​ITA 101 Beginning Italian I 3 ​​Italian I 3 ITAL 101
PHT 30105 ​​Photography in Florence 3 PHOTOGRAPHY 3 ARST 205
TEAN:Hanyang University

Hanyang University

Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Hanyang University 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
CUL 6102 Reading in Science Fiction 3 Science Fiction 3 ENGL 378
D-C2096 History of Korean Cinema 3 Special Topics in Film 3 ENFL 251
ENG 3103 Language and Brain 3 Advanced Elective I (Organizational Behavoir) 3 PSYC 348
GEN 2052 Calculus I 3 Calculus I 3 MATH 122
CUL 3101 Cultural and Ethnic Diversity 3 World Cultures Requirement 3 World Cultures Requirement
n/a Introductory Korean Language  3 Beginning Korean II 3 KORE 102
EDU 2010 Psychological Testing 3 Intro to Psychological Testing 3 PSYC 310
11086 Anglophone Literature and Society 3 Special Topics in Film Studies  3 ENFL 251
CEA: Rome Center

CEA Rome Center

CEA Rome, Italy – Politics, Economics & Business


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent 

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
INT 430 International Internship for Psychology 3
PSY 334 FCO Positive Psychology 3 Advanced Elective — 

The Good Life: The Science of Positive Psychology

3 PSYC 204
CUL 340 FCO Food and Culture in Italy 3 Dynamics of Food & Society 3 NUFD 153
CCIS: University Veritas

University Veritas

CCIS: San Jose, Costa Rica–Universidad Veritas


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair  Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
COMM 3200 Intercultural Communication and Competence 3 Intercultural Communication 3 CMST 221
THEO 3150 Major World Religions 3 Religions of the world 3 RELG 100
SPN 201 Intermediate Spanish I 4 Spanish 2 3 SPAN 102
SPN 202 Intermediate Spanish II 4 Spanish 3  3 SPAN 103
Freshwater ecology  4 Introduction to ecology 4 BIOL 213
ENV 3044 Tropical Ecology 4 Introduction to Ecology 4 BIOL 213
Env 3005 Environmental Impact and Social Development 4 Managing Urban Environment 3 EAES 384
ENV 4030 Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 4 Environment and Community 4 ANTH 422
ENV 3190 Tropical Marine Biology 4 Intro to Marine Sciences 4 EAES 250
CEA: Westminster University

Westminster University 

CEA London, England – University of Westminster – Arts, Business & Sciences


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
4PSYC004W Developmental Psychology 10 Developmental Psychology 4 PSYC 320
4PSYC008W Introduction to Biological and Cognitive Psychology 10 Cognition 4 PSYC 313
5PSYC012W Understanding Psychological Diversity  10 Special Topics in Psychology 4 PSYC 459
LNDN COLT 3311 Post-War British Popular Culture 3 3 POLS 420
5FMST001W Screen 2: Identities: Race, Class, & Gender in Film & Television  3 Film Art: Historical & Contemp 3 FMTV 205
5MEST002W Critical Perspectives on Media 3 New Media & Participatory Culture 3 CMST 225 
5MECM003W Internet Cultures 3 Youth Culture & the Popular 3 CMST 235 
5ILLU012W Critical Enquiry  3 Major elective 3 Major elective
5MUSIC005W Creative Identities & Making Digital Content 3 Multi-Media Production 3 STCM 140 
5MECB013W Media and the Climate Crisis 3 Major elective 3 Major elective
5MECM007W Consumer Culture & Society  3 Major elective 3 Major elective
4PSYC002W Cognitive Psychology  3 Creative Thinking 3 CRTH 151
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair

Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
n/a International Finance 3 Concentration Electives 3 Concentration Electives
n/a Strategic Management of the Firm 3 Concentration Electives 3 Finance Concentration Electives
n/a Strategic Behavior in Business and Economics  3 MGMT 201 3 Business Ethics and Social Impact
n/a Spanish 45 Intermediate B1.2 3 SPAN 103 3 Spanish III
n/a Behavior and Incentives in Economics: The Case of Soccer   3 Concentration Electives  3 Finance Concentration Electives
Doing Business in Emerging Markets 3 Concentration Electives 3 Concentration Electives
Managerial Skills for International Business 3 MGMT 201 3 Business Ethics and Social Impact
E-Commerce and Online Business 3 Concentration Electives 3 Concentration Electives
Cross Cultural Management 3 Concentration Electives 3 Concentration Electives
40309 Economy & Globalization 3 International Economics 3 ECON 370
ECN332BCN Comparative Economic System 3 International Economics 3 ECON 370
MKTG340BCN Digital Marketing 3 Concentration Elective 3 Concentration Elective
Managerial skills for international business 3 Management processes 3 MGMT 231
Semester at Sea

Semester at sea


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:  

Ie 200 Global studies  3 k(2) global perspective  3 k(2) global perspective 
ART 100  Introduction to the Visual Arts  3 Gen Ed 3 Gen Ed 
NR 150  Oceanography  3 Natural Science Laboratory  3 Natural Science Laboratory 
HIST 171  World History 1500- Present  3 American & European History  3 Gen Ed 
J.F Oberlin University, Japan

J.F Oberlin University, Japan 


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:   
n/a Japanese Language — High Intermediate 4 Advanced Japanese 3 JAPN 251 
Elementary Experimental Activities 3 Japanese Conversation & Culture  3 JAPN 206 
Kanji I  3 Kanji through Reading  3 JAPN 207 
Japanese II 3 Intermediate Japanese 3 JAPN 132
Mahidol University International College

Mahidol University International College


Course Number Abroad Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent  at Montclair Credit Value  Approved to count at Montclair as:  
ICGL 122 Elementary French II 4 Beginning French II 3 FREN 112
ICIR 222 International Organizations 4 International Organizations 3 POLS 203
ICIR 302 Asian Southeast Asian Regionalism 4 Government Politics of India and South Asia 3 POLS 340
ICIR 327 Ethnicity and Representation in International Affairs 4 International Relations in Asia 3 POLS 362
Leiden University

Leiden University


Course Number


Course Title Credit Value Course Equivalent

at Montclair 

Credit Value  Approved to count

at Montclair as:  

Euroscholars research 4 Externship in biology 4 BIOL 409